Special Shapes and Benches
We specialize in special shaped monuments that are customized to commemorate the unique life and achievements of the deceased. These can be for any type of headstone, though upright monuments offer the most opportunity for creativity as shown below. Sculpted into stunning 3-D shapes and inscribed with beautiful etchings or engravings, custom artistically shaped monuments can mark any number of graves and come in a variety of styles and shapes.
They often feature symbols and imagery that convey the specific nationality or religion of the deceased. Cemeteries often permit the use of different monument types including custom artistically shaped monuments to mark the burial plots of a family or estate. Select from a wide variety of granite colors for both traditional and cremation memorials in different price ranges.
Bench Memorials
A memorial bench allows you to sit near the one you love for extended periods of time to pray, meditate or just remember. They are made of granite, with or without a seatback, and come in a variety of colors, sizes and finishes. It can take the place of a headstone or be an addition to another gravestone.
Families sometimes have a large monument at the head of the lot with one memorial bench at the foot or two benches flanking it. A memorial bench can also include a niche for cremated remains. Our memorial designers can work with you to add beautifully etched and engraved elements to personalize your memorial
Design Options
- Hand Engraving
- Laser Etching
- Bronze Lettering & Accents
- Sculptures & Carving
- Custom Designs
- Ceramic & Porcelain Photos
- Vases
Stone Options